This is a story written by myself and....Brittany
Once upon a Geary there lived a rare maiden who lived a sugar sweet life. Her name was Brittle Bunk and she had a heart of steel and a head of gold. She lived in a stone castle made of twigs. One day, while she was in the top tower, she grabbed her feather quill and started to scrawl upon a slice of parchment. "To Whom May be Concerned," she wrote,
"I am living in shambles and being suffocated by my deceased parents. Someone please help. I am in the stone tower of twigs."
The end. Can't even finish.
'Tis the season to be jolly and joyous.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
If I can wait.
I saw three ships come sailing in this morning the sky was a rosy red, not blood-red because that would would mean something's coming, something good, down the street on a beach under a tree tops white with frost on the ice queen's lips that the girl pressed on the horse's velvet nose because she understood the frizzled whip cream on strawberries so red almost blood-red which means something's coming
Thursday, November 27, 2008
the college experience
train, subway, improv, roast beef, late night, stuffy nose, groceries, hairspray, panera bread, long walks, shivers, church, clementines, a nap, tacos, elf, ginger bread, a steam, Spanish class, enchiladas, hot chocolate, a christmas story, rain, pancakes, packing, car
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I suffered a heavy blow today when I realized that I am not particularly "good" at anything. Nothing comes naturally to me. Oh. I'm great at baking cookies.
There is a slight pain in my head that comes and goes.
There is a slight pain in my head that comes and goes.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
my name
My name means "dark princess" or "dark-haired, which was an honest coincidence, my mother told me. My name comes from the Irish county, called "Chiarrai" in Irish Gaelic, which means "Ciar's people." I am Irish, but I wasn't named wholly because of that fact. My brother suggested Kerry, and my mother automatically thought of the county in Ireland and liked it. I used to not like my name because it's uncommon. I've heard all the jokes involving the verb "to carry". I've had to correct the spelling for as long as I can remember. I think it's detestable when used in rhymes. 'Kerry' doesn't roll off your tongue by itself. It's blunt. It's bent. It's a scarecrow. It's a crunchy leaf falling to pieces in your palm. There's nothing very desirable about it. The spelling, though. There is something about its spelling... I imagine myself taking countryside walks through the county Kerry. I'd introduce myself to the people and maybe they would not take me for a tourist, accents aside. I would eat potatoes and cabbage and live a tranquil life. I would return home only to realize that I will never feel that free, that at home with myself for as long as I live.
Uh, I hate writing things about myself in Creative Writing. I would almost rather write a poem about my teacher's bald, shiny head.
Uh, I hate writing things about myself in Creative Writing. I would almost rather write a poem about my teacher's bald, shiny head.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Do I look like trouble?
I must. I've been yelled at by two different teachers this week. The first time, I was eating a sandwich in the lobby. Everyone eats there. I suppose sandwiches are prohibited. Cottage cheese, now that's fine. The second time, a teacher catches me walking to my Chemistry class during lunch without a pass. I was seeking help. Both teachers threaten to take away my privilege card FOR-EV-ER. Ooh, I've been warned. There are people cutting class and smoking in the bathroom, and yet I get a talking-to for not being anorexic and caring about my grades. CB West High School is a piece of work, that's all I have to say. And by work I mean crap. Just look at the front entrance.
It's Tuesday Night in America!
It's Tuesday Night in America!
Monday, October 27, 2008
the extremes
The wrinkly, rugged man yells at his children, "Stop being so stupid for a change"
The clean man with the sweater and glasses comes in with his son, saying jovially "Let's wash up!" And they have a grand time with laughs and ice cream toppings.
It would have been better if their characters hadn't coincided with their appearances. ALAS! Those are the people you find at Friendly's.
A White Christmas today!! Christmas? But It's not even Thanksgiving!
Oh, it's not even Halloween!
If I was the weather I would pull these kinds of pranks all the time.
The clean man with the sweater and glasses comes in with his son, saying jovially "Let's wash up!" And they have a grand time with laughs and ice cream toppings.
It would have been better if their characters hadn't coincided with their appearances. ALAS! Those are the people you find at Friendly's.
A White Christmas today!! Christmas? But It's not even Thanksgiving!
Oh, it's not even Halloween!
If I was the weather I would pull these kinds of pranks all the time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
prying open the door
to unleash the bitterness
I am beastly towards people and they are beastly towards others and we all just deserve a good slappin', but I do especially.
It's kind of like how today I was so sure I had gotten a D or below on a math quiz, only to find I got a B-. I am so sure that I will never know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, only to find....? Well. I suppose we'll see. All I ask is that you pray that I may stand on solid ground, LIKE A TREE PLANTED BY THE WATER, steadfast and unfaltering.
OH BTWZ Someone please buy me a Snuggie. It's a blanket with sleeves! So you are able to multitask whilst you keep warm!
I am beastly towards people and they are beastly towards others and we all just deserve a good slappin', but I do especially.
It's kind of like how today I was so sure I had gotten a D or below on a math quiz, only to find I got a B-. I am so sure that I will never know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, only to find....? Well. I suppose we'll see. All I ask is that you pray that I may stand on solid ground, LIKE A TREE PLANTED BY THE WATER, steadfast and unfaltering.
OH BTWZ Someone please buy me a Snuggie. It's a blanket with sleeves! So you are able to multitask whilst you keep warm!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Roving eyes
Otto von Bismarck; realpolitik, please!
"Blood and Iron" ain't got nothin' on me.
The roof is leaking and the rain's pouring on my head, it won't stop.
The roof is leaking and the rain's pouring on my head, I need a mop.
How am I expected to pass Pre-Calculus when I have all of these racing thoughts that need to be written down? HOW?
"Blood and Iron" ain't got nothin' on me.
The roof is leaking and the rain's pouring on my head, it won't stop.
The roof is leaking and the rain's pouring on my head, I need a mop.
How am I expected to pass Pre-Calculus when I have all of these racing thoughts that need to be written down? HOW?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sax appeal.
It's been fixed and new cleaning supplies have been bought. I'm not sure what the long, yellow fluffy thing does. But it's SICK.
"If you're looking for me I'll be on the block..."
(edit: new edits)
"If you're looking for me I'll be on the block..."
(edit: new edits)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Pudd'nhead Wilson's calendar
'There is no character, howsoever good and fine, but it can be destroyed by ridicule, howsoever poor and witless. Observe the ass, for instance: his character is about perfect, he is the choicest spirit among all the humbler animals, yet see what ridicule has brought him to. Instead of feeling complimented when we are called an ass, we are left in doubt.'
Other animals we are left in doubt about: pig, cow, hippo, dog, rat, sloth. All respectable animals.
Other animals we are left in doubt about: pig, cow, hippo, dog, rat, sloth. All respectable animals.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I don't take no stock in dead people.
Today felt like an adventure of Huck Finn....only because I wasn't wearing any shoes.
'I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself, "All right, then, I'll GO to hell."'
I read it last year but I just decided that it is my favorite book.
Monday, October 6, 2008
you are beautiful
Dream recorder!
A few nights ago I had a dream that my pierced ear had closed, so I re-pierced it, and it developed into a huge hole. It spread to my cheek, and then my cheek started to fall apart and melt, and there was a piece hanging off me. You could see mah skull. Strangely enough, this was not a nightmare. I was just infuriated with myself for making such a gigantic hole and thinking, Awesome, now I have to get plastic surgery.
A few nights ago I had a dream that my pierced ear had closed, so I re-pierced it, and it developed into a huge hole. It spread to my cheek, and then my cheek started to fall apart and melt, and there was a piece hanging off me. You could see mah skull. Strangely enough, this was not a nightmare. I was just infuriated with myself for making such a gigantic hole and thinking, Awesome, now I have to get plastic surgery.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I started writing about how I have to watch the Vice Presidential Debate tonight for homework, but I started getting bored to tears so I stopped.
Here's something worthy: I need to steal Alice's bike and take a ride through town in search for an appropriate gathering place for my Secret Poetry Club. Oh, ain't a secret no' mo'. I must think of a better name for this club. I could use some suggestions, just as long as they're not Dead Poets Society or Rusty Charles and the Country Bears Club. Help me out.
Here's something worthy: I need to steal Alice's bike and take a ride through town in search for an appropriate gathering place for my Secret Poetry Club. Oh, ain't a secret no' mo'. I must think of a better name for this club. I could use some suggestions, just as long as they're not Dead Poets Society or Rusty Charles and the Country Bears Club. Help me out.
Friday, September 26, 2008
What I do in Keyboarding.

A man and woman were seated in a canoe, floating lazily across the bay. The woman scowled at the man. He glanced at her sideways and simpered. She often felt neglected by him, but these thoughts were always diminished when she saw his finished work. He continued his painting with smooth brush strokes, unperturbed.
She pouted and crossed her arms. He squinted at the scenery. After surveying him for a moment, she began to take in her own surroundings. The sky was a cerulean blue and the water was sparkling beneath them. The sailors were out in their boats with the sun in their eyes. The people were coming out of their houses along the coast to feel the gentle breeze. A smile escaped her lips, something that he would never see.
The woman gazed at the man sitting across from her. "You've been wearing that silly yellow hat for years," she said. He simpered again.
I am currently in the box. I NEED to start thinking out of the box.
I'll start tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
master and victim of the Terror
"Liberty cannot be secured unless criminals lose their heads"
Robespierre needs a bath! Yuck!
Robespierre needs a bath! Yuck!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I REALLY need to go to Barnes & Noble soon or I might die from all of these trivialities. I think I have something socially wrong with me. All I want to do nowadays is stay home and read and write. I even considered pretending that I'm grounded. I could do something to actually get grounded. Pishaw. I've never been grounded. No one would believe it anyway.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Oh, you didn't hurt my feelings..."
I am perfectly aware that cats are not people. But there's nothing wrong with treating them as such. Does anyone else think it's gross that my cats eat their food off of the same plates that we eat on? Or is it only Brittany who thinks that? It's not like we don't wash the plates. Gorsh.
Edit: Tha kittie wit tha mitties has arrived.
Edit: Tha kittie wit tha mitties has arrived.
Monday, September 15, 2008
a vindication
"If absolute sovereignty be not necessary in a state, how comes it to be so in a family?...If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?"
I despise the ideas of men back in the 16-1700s. Scratch 'back in the 16-1700s' and it would still be a true statement, for the most part. Ha...
I<3 History.
I despise the ideas of men back in the 16-1700s. Scratch 'back in the 16-1700s' and it would still be a true statement, for the most part. Ha...
I<3 History.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
a new product
This morning I was trying to fall asleep because I refuse to down meds when I'm in a sickly state. Sleep is the best remedy, anyway. As I was drifting, a thought struck me: Pot roast Perfume. Crock Pot-fume. Yummy.
Friday, September 12, 2008
She's so lucky.
She's a star.
The world history test was a breeze. After the test we were told to work on vocabulary for the next chapter, and we were allowed to listen to our ipods. I'm sitting there doing my work, and then I hear "In my time, I've wandered everywhere..." My phone was ringing. And the teacher was like two desks away. I quickly opened my bag and shut it off, but a few people had already heard did my teacher. He looks at the kid sitting next to me, who is listening to his ipod, and says "I hear your music. TURN IT DOWN." The kid looks very confused because obviously his music wasn't very loud. I couldn't even look at him I was smirking so much.
My second bout of luck was in Chemistry, and I let my friend copy some answers that I had copied from someone else. Mrs. Morby asks me where my paper is and I say, "Somewhere." She asks me who took it, but I don't tell her. I wait for her to get mad. Mrs. Morby brushes it off and walks away. Lovely woman.
The world history test was a breeze. After the test we were told to work on vocabulary for the next chapter, and we were allowed to listen to our ipods. I'm sitting there doing my work, and then I hear "In my time, I've wandered everywhere..." My phone was ringing. And the teacher was like two desks away. I quickly opened my bag and shut it off, but a few people had already heard did my teacher. He looks at the kid sitting next to me, who is listening to his ipod, and says "I hear your music. TURN IT DOWN." The kid looks very confused because obviously his music wasn't very loud. I couldn't even look at him I was smirking so much.
My second bout of luck was in Chemistry, and I let my friend copy some answers that I had copied from someone else. Mrs. Morby asks me where my paper is and I say, "Somewhere." She asks me who took it, but I don't tell her. I wait for her to get mad. Mrs. Morby brushes it off and walks away. Lovely woman.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I love your funny face.
Today was the first day of school. You are probably wondering how it went for me. Well, it went all right. I am no longer in the dungeon for homeroom. Thanks Mr. Felton, maybe you do care for us after all. In first period, I had World History with Mr. Blake. He said "I'm just kidding" a lot. I spent the entirety of the class labeling the countries in Europe and listening to Olivia curse in my ear. Second period, keyboarding. The teacher is new. She's kind, but she shouldn't talk for so long, her voice is piercing. 3rd period was Chemistry with Mrs. Stahl. By then my mind was wandering. 4th period, Pre-Calculus with Mr. Matusek. He made us read an article titled "Math: WHY?" I still don't know why.
I can't believe I just wrote about SCHOOL.
Here is something more interesting: In Funny Face, Fred Astaire would stop Audrey Hepburn mid-scene and yell "What are you DOING?" He was jealous because the directors liked her better. He is nuts, but very talented.
I can't believe I just wrote about SCHOOL.
Here is something more interesting: In Funny Face, Fred Astaire would stop Audrey Hepburn mid-scene and yell "What are you DOING?" He was jealous because the directors liked her better. He is nuts, but very talented.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ew & nimproved
My cell phone from the stone age is gone. I now have a Samsung slide phone and I don't know what to make of it. I feel like an imposter. I am grateful for it, though. My hair is about ten pounds lighter. Not really, but a decent amount has been chopped off. Yesterday I looked a little like Mary Tyler Moore; not beautiful, just with flippy hair.
Yesterday at the beach house, I was fed way too much food. I will name it all:
Chili-rubbed (whatever that means) steak, corn on the cob, macaroni and cheese, a baked potato, a tomato with cheese and parsley, and sopapillas (fried dough with honey-a Sante Fe thing) I just about died. And for dessert! Ice cream sandwiches- vanilla lemon ice cream in between two chocolate chip cookies, and then rolled around in some rainbow sprinkles.
My family is trying to kill me.
Tomorrow I am waking up freaking early in order to regulate my sleep schedule. Good luck, self. I will be up in the gym just working on my fitness, then I will be preparing for SCHOOL, and then trying to enjoy my last taste of summer. No stress, no stress, no stress.
Yesterday at the beach house, I was fed way too much food. I will name it all:
Chili-rubbed (whatever that means) steak, corn on the cob, macaroni and cheese, a baked potato, a tomato with cheese and parsley, and sopapillas (fried dough with honey-a Sante Fe thing) I just about died. And for dessert! Ice cream sandwiches- vanilla lemon ice cream in between two chocolate chip cookies, and then rolled around in some rainbow sprinkles.
My family is trying to kill me.
Tomorrow I am waking up freaking early in order to regulate my sleep schedule. Good luck, self. I will be up in the gym just working on my fitness, then I will be preparing for SCHOOL, and then trying to enjoy my last taste of summer. No stress, no stress, no stress.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Alice made a blog. Good going, Alice. Now I can never talk about you behind your back.
The pool is a beauteous one now. It's a shame it's cold outside and the water is freezing. Hurrah for Fall weather. There is a lone toad in the pool. Back when I had different friends, we called double chins "toads."
The pool is a beauteous one now. It's a shame it's cold outside and the water is freezing. Hurrah for Fall weather. There is a lone toad in the pool. Back when I had different friends, we called double chins "toads."
I found an Irish blessing at my Aunt's house,
"May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall short upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
If ever I go on a very long trip, I want someone to say that to me. Or write it to me.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Connecticut and kittens
I absolutely love going to West Haven, Connecticut. It's awesome because my aunt has a condo overlooking the Long Island Sound. It's the greatest feeling waking up and looking out the glass doors and seeing the water. My aunt is a nun. The nice kind. She has a cat that is scared of people, so I don't know what he looks like. Ooh, cats. Alice wants a kitten. I do too. It would be nice. Supposedly female cats can have babies when they are only 5 months old. That's gross.
I bet that's what happened to Tiger, Chewy's mom. Chewy is our oldest cat and Tiger's still alive.
School starts for me on Wednesday, September 3rd. World History, Chemistry, and Pre-Calc all in the same day. My worst subjects. Someone's plotting to destroy me.
I bet that's what happened to Tiger, Chewy's mom. Chewy is our oldest cat and Tiger's still alive.
School starts for me on Wednesday, September 3rd. World History, Chemistry, and Pre-Calc all in the same day. My worst subjects. Someone's plotting to destroy me.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Now you're affecting his Chi.
Scene: Kerry, Michelle, and Brendan decide to take the Tai Chi Chuan class at the YMCA. Mistake #1
The instructor, Steven, shakes our hands and begins the class. He is 26 years old and was born in Greece, but he lived in a monastery for 13 years in China. He's wearing a black robe.
I feel like Christian Bale in the first Batman. We do some dumb arm, leg and neck movements, all the while having to inhale and exhale at the right times. It was somewhat relaxing when I wasn't trying to control my laughter.
At the end, the one other woman who took the class bolts out of the door. We take our time getting our stuff (Mistake #2), and are headed out to leave when Steven traps us and starts a conversation. He shows us how we should stretch and he takes off his shoes. He talks some more about his tai-chi-ing life in China. Then he gives us some advice about being ourselves and 'not judging a book by its cover'. He tells Michelle that she is a beautiful young woman, but she is probably ridiculed by others because she wears glasses. "I understand, I wear glasses too!" He tells us that he is friends with people of all ages, ranging from 16-95. He tells us that we should have fun while we are young. "Don't tell your parents this--but I think it's okay to have a beer. And when you're 21, get trashed! Just get it out of your system. But make sure you are around people you know. We don't want statutory rape on our hands." But wait! He then tells us he has never had a beer in his life. It's against his morals. He tells Michelle that she is a beautiful young woman again. He says I am too. He tells Brendan that he is a handsome young man. It's been almost half an hour since the class has ended.
We start backing towards the door. Finally, he thanks us for taking his class, and hopes to see us again SOON. We walk out of the door, slowly, but he doesn't follow us. We walk a few steps in silence. Then we start running for our lives.
Mistake # 3- Not reporting Steven to the Y authority.
Theory- If we do, they will tell us that they don't have a Tai Chi Chuan teacher named Steven. dun dun dun.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Computers frustrate me to no end, I almost despise them, but not enough to stop going on them. The internet was down last night so I did some old-fashioned writing in a huge notebook. The entirety of what I wrote had to do with wanting to slap myself in the face for how stupid I am sometimes. I never have slapped my own face. That would be weird. When I was like 9, I had my friend pretend that she threw up and I told Sarah and her friend that they had to come help her. They came upstairs and when they found out that my friend really didn't throw up, Sarah's friend slapped me in the face. In my own house, too. The nerve. I guess that's what I get for lying.
Saturday night I saw Suessical (said without moving lips). The singing and acting was well done for the most part. My mother almost cried when Horton the Elephant and Gertrude the Bird got together in the end. Really, it was silly. The part I found endearing was when Horton refused to leave the bird's egg even when it cost him his freedom. The Cat in the Hat was a bit creeper-worthy, other than that, Bravo.
Yesdidday- we got some rain, and then the sun came out. Alice was driving, and I was in the backseat, and we start driving down this road. Since it was wet from the rain, the sun reflects on it and the whole road is lit up with a blinding light. We thought we were going to die. We didn't...but oh, our poor eyes. There was a point to this. There was a great big vibrant rainbow. I love ze rainbows. How could you not be happy while looking at a rainbow? It's no wonder they are a symbol for gay people. Gay as in happy. Guffaw.
I'm not very good with writing in blogs. Notice my title. This post doesn't even deserve a title. I don't really care though. It's fun and that's all that matters.
dedicated to mah gurls BShiz and MJonas
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Beginning
"Plop goes your heart when you come to the end of your lollipop"-
said by my second cousin, unprompted. He's three years old. There's so much truth in that statement. What a smart little boy.
said by my second cousin, unprompted. He's three years old. There's so much truth in that statement. What a smart little boy.
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