Monday, October 27, 2008

the extremes

The wrinkly, rugged man yells at his children, "Stop being so stupid for a change"

The clean man with the sweater and glasses comes in with his son, saying jovially "Let's wash up!" And they have a grand time with laughs and ice cream toppings.

It would have been better if their characters hadn't coincided with their appearances. ALAS! Those are the people you find at Friendly's.

A White Christmas today!! Christmas? But It's not even Thanksgiving!
Oh, it's not even Halloween!

If I was the weather I would pull these kinds of pranks all the time.


Alice said...

I love sweaters now.

Anonymous said...

I'm the weather. I make it raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain.

BOO said...

You would pull these pranks because you are a brat! (thats a jooooooke)

A KIcK iN ThE FORshadoWing said...

you would.