A man and woman were seated in a canoe, floating lazily across the bay. The woman scowled at the man. He glanced at her sideways and simpered. She often felt neglected by him, but these thoughts were always diminished when she saw his finished work. He continued his painting with smooth brush strokes, unperturbed.
She pouted and crossed her arms. He squinted at the scenery. After surveying him for a moment, she began to take in her own surroundings. The sky was a cerulean blue and the water was sparkling beneath them. The sailors were out in their boats with the sun in their eyes. The people were coming out of their houses along the coast to feel the gentle breeze. A smile escaped her lips, something that he would never see.
The woman gazed at the man sitting across from her. "You've been wearing that silly yellow hat for years," she said. He simpered again.
I am currently in the box. I NEED to start thinking out of the box.
I'll start tomorrow.
I find this post to be especially entertaining. It's obvious that you like to write, and equally apparent that you are gifted in the area.
I don't know what you mean by saying you're "in the box," but I'm trying to figure it out based on the narrative in this post. That's probably why I'm not getting anywhere.
Thanks! The box has nothing to do with the narrative, ha. It means I need to start coming up with more creative stories.
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