Wednesday, October 22, 2008

prying open the door

to unleash the bitterness

I am beastly towards people and they are beastly towards others and we all just deserve a good slappin', but I do especially.

It's kind of like how today I was so sure I had gotten a D or below on a math quiz, only to find I got a B-. I am so sure that I will never know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, only to find....? Well. I suppose we'll see. All I ask is that you pray that I may stand on solid ground, LIKE A TREE PLANTED BY THE WATER, steadfast and unfaltering.

OH BTWZ Someone please buy me a Snuggie. It's a blanket with sleeves! So you are able to multitask whilst you keep warm!


A KIcK iN ThE FORshadoWing said...

haha ill buy you a snuggie and i hear ya
i htought i failed a math quiz and i got an 88
bah <3

BOO said...

I need a slappin'
steadfast is one of my favorite words.

Anonymous said...

Bahhh eff that song. But I will pray for you, as soon as I forgive you for that.

I don't know what the anecdote has to do with being bitter/beastly. Unless you mean BEASTLY math skillz.

As for snuggie, I have my finger on the tip of my nose. NOSE GOES.

btw your "word verification" word is "cones." A real word.

Alice said...

you'd be able to answer the telephone without freezing!