Sunday, November 16, 2008


I suffered a heavy blow today when I realized that I am not particularly "good" at anything. Nothing comes naturally to me. Oh. I'm great at baking cookies.

There is a slight pain in my head that comes and goes.


A KIcK iN ThE FORshadoWing said...

kerry you are a very gifted individual
i cant think of anything right now....but you are good at it!
JK <3

Anonymous said...

You're intelligent, witty and have a good sense of humor. It's a start.

And some people can't bake. So be grateful.

Have you been drinking the shiny liquid from thermometers? That may be the source of your cranial pain.

Alice said...

Kerry, you're a natural at writing words. I must say that you'd be a much better author than I ever would.

BOO said...

Is this a joke? It should be.
You are great at so many things.

I cant even believe you said that.